Results for "glass"

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IUPAC2019 Concentrate - sample 3

This Concentrate brings you an updated collection of links and refs of what is happening and being planned for #iupac100 #iypt2019 #iupac2019Paris




Collecting, testing and dissemination of experiments in solid state and materials chemistry

The experiments to be prepared can be classified into 3 categories: to be used in junior undergraduate laboratories (2nd and 3rd year) to be used in senior undergraduate laboratories (4th year elective courses such as "Introduction to Solid State Chemistry and Inorganic Materials" and "Inorganic Structural Chemistry" to be used for the senior undergraduate students[...]

Terminology, quantities and units concerning production and applications of radionuclides in radiopharmaceutical and radioanalytical chemistry

1. Glossary of terms, quantities, units of radioactivity and related quantities and their definitions in SI of units (and other obsolete systems of units). Nuclide and radionuclide overview: nucleon properties, valley of beta stability, isotopes, isobars, isotones, isomers, isodiaspheres; nuclide properties: energy levels, parity, nuclear spin, decay schemes, common and exotic decay modes, binding energy,[...]

Microstructure and properties of thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer blends and composites

The synthesis and modification of thermotropic liquid crystalline polymers (TLCP) for different final applications are currently hot topics of industrial as well as academic research. The copolymerization of different comonomers leads to polymers with different liquid crystalline characteristics, melting temperatures, rheological behavior. The incorporation of some comonomers is applied to reduce the processing temperature but[...]

Glossary of thermal and thermomechanical properties of polymers

In literature and practical use it is obvious that there is a significant lack of a collection and unequivocal definitions of such terms in the field of polymer science. Some terms are even used in entirely different contexts or with different meanings to those intended. This project shall give definitions of terms related to thermal[...]

Guidelines for modulated-temperature differential scanning calorimetry (MTDSC)

Modulated-temperature differential scanning thermal analysis techniques are widely used in many fields. Particularly in pharmaceutical, food and polymer studies where first order transitions, glass transitions and polymorphism are key issues. All sorts of relaxation phenomena as well as coupled thermal and kinetic contributions can advantageously be investigated and selectively studied with such techniques. Produced commercially[...]

International tutorial in polymer characterization - POLYCHAR 16

This Educational Project in Polymer Characterisation is particularly suited for students from developing and emerging regions, scientists from national laboratories or R&D employees from relevant Industries to up-date their knowledge and skills in polymer characterization by interactive oral courses presented (1 day) by distinguished scientists. Since this annual course is moving to a new place[...]

Heat capacities of liquids and vapours

The book will contain about 20 chapters on all aspects of the heat capacity of liquids and vapours. The chapters will involve theory, experimental methods, and techniques, interesting results on soultions, liquids, vapours, mixtures, electrolytes, critical regions, polymers, glassy states, reactions, effects of high pressure and phase changes. Each chapter will be written by an[...]

POLYCHAR Short Course on Polymer Characterization

This Educational Project in Polymer Characterization is particularly suited for students and young researchers from developing countries. Intensive training will be provided by the distinguished scientists from reputed laboratories of the world. Since the tutorial proceeds an important international conference (World Forum on Advanced Materials: POLYCHAR 19), the tutorial serves as a good opportunity to[...]