GWB 2023 Helsinki

University of Helsinki


Dr. Marie-J. Halsør


80 Limingantie




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Guest lecture by Associate Professor Melina Duarte from the Department of Philosophy at UiT The Arctic university of Norway. After the lecture, a few questions from the chat will be answered. The digital seminar will be followed by a local discussion with invited guests (tbc).
Title of the lecture:
“Making sense of “Diversity” in the Nordic Academia”
Diversity is an abstract concept that can denote any type of variation or difference. Despite its open and ample appeal, diversity is supposed to guide the inclusion politics in academia in tangible ways. For this to happen, however, this abstract concept requires contextual instantiation of some kind. In the Global Women’s Breakfast 2023, we will explore ways in which the meaning of “diversity” can be negotiated in the Nordic Academia and resonate with the following conceptual, justificatory, and normative challenges: What is diversity? Is diversity important? If, yes, how can we best promote it in the Nordic Academia?