GROW Germany - women´s breakfast with revitalise session


Dr. Silvia Cerezo-Galvez


Monheim am Rhein, NRW 40789



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Bayer´s GROW Wuppertal (Pharma research site) and GROW-WiSE Monheim (Crop Science) groups in Germany welcome you to our first virtual women´s breakfast !
We will learn from Laura McConnell about the IUPAC organization, what is the GWB, what is does for women, and Bayer’s sponsorship. Afterwards, Gillian MacQuarrie will introduce the Leadership LINK mentoring program for female leaders at Bayer.
In the second part of the event, we will have the opportunity to join an inspiring revitalise session with a guest speaker on the topic of "Gender Diversity in Science".
We wish you a lot of fun and insightful moments with us !