2019 Nominees for Election of IUPAC Officers and Bureau Members

At the 50th IUPAC General Assembly in Paris, France, on Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 July 2019, the Council will be asked to elect a Vice President and members of the Bureau to fulfill the vacancies created by retiring members. IUPAC National Adhering Organizations have been invited to submit nominations. (see News posted on 7 Jan 2019)

On 1 January 2020, Christopher M.A. Brett (Portugal), Vice President and President-Elect of IUPAC, will become President. Qi-Feng Zhou (China/Beijing), current President, will become Past President and remain an officer and a member of the Bureau for a period of two years. Meanwhile, Natalia Tarasova (Russia), current Past President, will retire. Secretary General Richard Hartshorn (New Zealand) and Treasurer Colin Humphris (UK) were both elected by the Council in August 2015 for a four-year term and are eligible to be nominated for an additional four-year term.


The Vice-President to be elected at the 50th Council will be President-Elect and will become President on 1 January 2022.
The nominations received for Vice President are as follows:

  • Prof. Javier García Martinez (Spain)
  • Prof. Supawan Tantayanon (Thailand)

Secretary General

The nomination received for Secretary General is as follows:

  • Prof. Richard Hartshorn (New Zealand) for 2nd term (2020-2023)


The nomination received for Treasurer is as follows:

  • Mr. Colin Humphris (UK) for 2nd term (2020-2023)

Elected Members of Bureau

The Bureau consists of the Officers, the eight Division Presidents, Standing Committee Chairs and no less than ten other members elected by Council, who are known as “Elected Members”. Elected Members serve a four year term. No National Adhering Organization shall have more than one Elected Member on the Bureau. The statute also states that: “the principle of fair geographical representation of Members shall be taken into account”.

At the conclusion of the 49th Council at Sao Paulo, there were ten Elected Members on the Bureau. At the 50th Council in Paris, France, the Bureau will make recommendations to Council as to the number of Elected Members (ten or more) who should be on the Bureau for the succeeding two years. At least five Elected Members will be elected at the 50th Council in Paris, i.e., the minimum number of ten Elected Members less the five Elected Members who continue in office until 2021.

The nominations received for Elected Members of the Bureau are as follows:

Prof. Zhigang Shuai (China/Beijing)
Dr. Ghada Bassioni (Egypt)
Dr. Rabeay Hassan (Egypt)
Prof. Mir Wais Hosseini (France)
Dr. Bipul Behari Saha (India)
Prof. Ehud Keinan (Israel) reappoint
Prof. Pietro Tundo (Italy) reappoint
Prof. Kew-Ho Lee (Korea) reappoint
Prof. Gloria Obuzor (Nigeria)
Dr. Carlos Tollinche (Puerto Rico)
Dr. Petr Fedotov (Russia)
Prof. Mei-Hung Chiu (China/Taipei) reappoint


Elected Members of Bureau who remain on Bureau and whose terms end in 2021:
Prof. Mary Garson (Australia)
Prof. Russell Boyd (Canada)
Prof. Ken Sakai (Japan)
Prof. Javier Garcia-Martinez (Spain)
Prof. Christopher Ober (USA)


[Note that if any Elected Members of Bureau who are continuing, or any candidates for Bureau, are elected to a position as Officer, Division President, or Standing Committee Chair, they are not eligible to continue or to be elected to the Bureau at this election for the 2020-2021 biennium. Should that occur there may be additional elected positions to be filled. In addition, only one of the nominees from Egypt can be elected. Should one of them be elected, the other’s name will be removed from the ballot for subsequent rounds of voting.]

< link back to 2019 General Assembly page <https://iupac.org/2019-iupac-general-assembly-paris-france/>

{See Elections results and Council actions, released 2 Aug}

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