
This project combines both my love for chemistry and for family. The Chemical Tree of my family appears to be an ordinary family tree at the first glance, but there is something very special about it. There is a chemical element corresponding to every member of the family. Each element was chosen through a mathematical equation based on the birth dates of each family member, as suggested by author M. Levțkii in his article “Chemist does not need astrology” (Химику не нужна астрология, Химия, 2000, vol. 13, in russian):
  Z = (1200x +10y + z + 120u – 1210) / 400 + 1
where Z is the atomic number of the element, x – birth date, y – birth month, z – penultimate number from birth year, and u – the last number from birth year.

Through this project, I aimed to show my love for chemistry and family, but also to find more about my relatives by comparing the properties of the elements with the qualities of its possessor. For example, all the members of my family are metals, and we are all stronger; my element, zirconium, is used in rockets because of its resistance and durability at high temperatures, just as I always try to stay strong and overcome any hard situations. My father and grandmothers elements are the same – Osmium, which shows their strong bond and similarities. Barium is a soft and silvery metal, just like my mother is kind and bright. I discovered from “The periodic table and personal values” created by my chemistry teacher Rita Godoroja and sent to IUPAC Nobelium Contest. For example, my brothers’ element calcium was associated with calmness, which is one of the main qualities he possesses, or my sisters’ element is francium, which in “The Periodic Table and Personal Values” stands for friendship, quality she can master easily. The similarities are infinite!

About Victoria

My name is Victoria, I am from Chisinau, Moldova. I learn in the Lyceum Da Vinci. I am a keen chemistry lover and therefore very excited to be participating in the Nobelium Contest. With the occasion of 150 years of the Periodic Table I decided to celebrate something just as important for me - My Family! With the help and encouragement of our chemistry teacher, PhD Rita Godoroja, during the chemistry lessons, I elaborated the Chemical Tree of my Family. I hope my project will be an inspiration for other people around the world to love chemistry as I do.