IUPAC’s commitment to supporting the norms of disarmament and non-proliferation of chemical weapons has been exemplified through their work in collaboration with and in support of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). Jonathan Forman, Science Policy Adviser and Secretary to the OPCW Scientific Advisory Board and Mark C. Cesa, 2014-2015 IUPAC President have prepared a description of this unique partnership.

Read full story.


This IUPAC100 Story release coincides with the anticipation of The Hague International Open Day, in which OPCW takes part! This is a unique opportunity to visit OPCW Headquarters, in The Hague, the Netherlands, on 22 SEPTEMBER 2019. Save the date and Learn more at https://www.opcw.org/calendar/2019/09/22/hague-international-open-day